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Website Copy


Social Media

Print Copy

Blog Writing

Proofing and Editing



If you think your business could benefit from the expertise of a copywriter, all you need to do to get the ball rolling is reach out to us. Drop us an email, fill out our contact form, or even just DM us on Instagram!


Once you've reached out, we'll respond within two working days. We'll clarify the details, provide you with a quote, and arrange a virtual meet to discuss the details (timeline, terms and conditions, etc.).


We'll get to work creating the perfect copy for you, from the research phase through to the final detail edit. When we feel we've hit your brief, we'll deliver the content (always within our agreed delivery timeframe).


We'll send over our invoice in the fashion we've agreed. If amendments, rewrites or tweaks are necessary, never fear - our first rounding of editing is free of charge. We aren't happy until you are.

  • Why do I need a copywriter?
    Most people can write. It's a modern-day necessity. But good copywriting is about more than this baseline. It's about skilled, persuasive writing, topic and audience research, SEO, content repurposing, editing, proofreading and so much more. At Syntactical, we love language, and we've dedicated years of learning to the subject of writing. We're the plumbers of the writing industry. Sure, you might be able to fix that leaky pipe yourself if you put your mind to it. But why not contact an expert instead?
  • What are your rates?
    Prices vary quite a bit from project to project, depending on a number of factors (word count, research required, volume of work, and so on). We quote individually for each one based on our daily or hourly rate. We're very flexible about the projects we take on, be they half-hour long editing slots or website pages with word counts into the thousands. If you'd like more information about our pricing, drop us a line.
  • What do you like to write/edit/proof?
    We hugely enjoy crafting travel content and writing for the construction and trades industry. We appreciate any project that allows for some sparkle and creativity (though we're also happy to meet whatever TOV our client has in mind, of course). Speaking broadly, there's not much we wouldn't like to write about. We enjoy the diversity of working with good people and passionate business owners in a range of fields, and we're a two-person team, so if one of us isn't interested in a topic, odds are the other will be!
  • Where are you based?
    We're a home-based business, respectively based in Wales and the South West. We're willing to travel within a 30-mile radius of Bristol for face-to-face client meetings, but we're also always happy to connect with customers far and wide via video or phone call! Fancy an e-meet?
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